The Marriage Mirror Program Is Divided Into 3 Areas:
Listening, Speaking and Environment.

Each of the 3 areas has two parts: About Yourself and About Your Spouse.

While it is crucial to answer all questions in all areas, we suggest you start with the Listening area.  For best results, we suggest discussing the answers for each area with your spouse, before proceeding to the Action Plan for that area, and then practicing the skills for thirty days before moving on to the next area.

As you work through these three areas, you can track your progress or revisit the questions, at any time, by clicking on Dashboard, in the top site menu.

The Process

After registering, you will be automatically logged in to your Account Dashboard.  You can return to your Dashboard at any time by using the Dashboard link shown at the top of every page.

IMPORTANT: Husbands and wives will each have a path on the Dashboard under their names, and should take the following steps in their respective paths.

Step 1: SELF and PARTNER ASSESSMENTSFrom the dashboard, husbands and wives each begin by answering questions in the Listening Assessment area, each for themself and for their partner.

Step 2: REVIEW TOGETHER – Review your answers and your spouse’s answers by clicking on “Review Listening Plan Assessment.” Here you can also print out a summary of both of your answers which is helpful for the next step. At the bottom of that review is a link to guide your discussion of these answers.

This guidance will also be sent to you in email. After your discussion, click the link in that email message to “Create your Listening Action Plan.”

Step 3: MAKE YOUR ACTION PLANS TOGETHER – Go to the “View/Edit Listening Action Plan” tab and begin filling out together your worksheet with the knowledge you gained from reviewing you and your spouse’s responses during Steps 2 and 3. Discuss the Action Plan with your spouse, as well.

Step 4: PRINT AND PRACTICE YOUR ACTION PLAN – After completing your action plan, download your printed Action Plan and for the next few days, or better through the next 21 days, to best begin working toward new habits that will strengthen the communication in your marriage!

Step 5: DOWNLOAD FEEDBACK CARDS – and catch each other doing something good and use these to encourage each other as you both grow in good communication habits!

Then repeat the same above steps for the other two areas: Speaking and Environment.